It's nice to meet you!
Here's a little more about me ↓
First thing's first. How do you pronounce Huy?
Imagine you’re on a rollercoaster. As the cart rushes down the tracks, you raise your arms and scream “wheeeee”. Now add an ‘h’ in front of it.
A little bit about me!
Image of me!
I'm a recent grad from the University of Washington with a Bachelor's in Human-Centered Design and Engineering. I'm currently finishing up my role as IT Assistant at the Husky Union Building, in which I worked on updating and building their website.

I am a programmer-turned-designer who is passionate in creating meaningful and impactful experiences. I am proficient in design tools such as Figma and Adobe Illustrator, and I am able to leverage my background in coding to optimize work in a multidisciplinary setting.
Collection of three photos. Top: piano in front of audio production software. Left: My cat Saya!. Right: A picture of my friends and I exploring Tacoma.
Collection of three photos. Top: piano in front of audio production software. Left: My cat Saya!. Right: A picture of my friends and I exploring Tacoma.
In my free time, I enjoy listening to and creating music, particularly with piano and guitar. I also like annoying my cats (meet Saya!) and exploring the city with friends. Lately, I’ve also picked up biking, so you might see me along the Burke-Gilman trail. Don’t be afraid to say hi!
Enough about me, tell me about you!